FAQs Image of old shoesWhere do donations come from?
Donations will come from shoe stores, shoe manufacturers, private individuals, local businesses, professional associations, and both local and national corporations. Donations are made in the form of a new pair(s) of sneakers , a check made out to Warm A Sole, Inc., or a secure online donation made through our website

Where should donations be mailed to?
Warm A Sole, Inc.
1109 Whistler Court
Lincoln, CA 95648

Are donations tax deductible and is Warm A Sole, Inc. a not-for-profit organization?
Warm A Sole, Inc. is a registered not-for-profit organization within the state of California with the purpose of raising funds and seeking contributions of shoes and donations for the benefit of economically disadvantaged children. Warm A Sole, Inc., is a 501c3 corporation, and donations are tax-deductible.

How can I get involved?
You can get involved by personally making a financial contribution to Warm A Sole, Inc., purchasing and donating new sneakers, or by purchasing and supplying a gift card to your favorite department/shoe store.

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